International Women’s Day, observed on 8 March, was enthusiastically celebrated in the Northern Red Sea and Southern Regions under the theme “Women: Emancipation for All-Rounded Development.”
At a celebratory event held at Massawa Stadium, Ms. Jimia Mohammed Raki, head of the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) in the Northern Red Sea Region, highlighted the vital role and participation of women in national development programs. She called for enhanced engagement to achieve even better outcomes.
Mr. Haile Asfaha, Administrator of the Massawa sub-zone, acknowledged the significant contributions of women in the struggle for national independence and the protection of national sovereignty. He expressed confidence that their participation in national affairs would continue to strengthen.
During the event, Ms. Asmeret Abraha, Governor of the Northern Red Sea Region, presented awards to students who won general knowledge competitions.
The celebration also featured cultural performances by the Arag cultural troupe from the Northern Red Sea Region.
Similarly, International Women’s Day was celebrated at the regional level in Mendefera. The event, which included the participation of representatives from the Eritrean Defense Forces, featured various cultural and artistic performances commemorating the occasion.
Ms. Senait Afwerki, head of National Union of Eritrean Women, emphasized that the mission of the union is to contribute to societal development. She praised the Eritrean people’s strong commitment to women’s equality, which reflects the noble values of the society.
Highlighting the increasing participation of women in education and vocational training, Ms. Senait noted that significant progress has also been made in eradicating harmful practices.
During the event, representatives of national associations in the region delivered messages of solidarity.
Mr. Habteab Tesfatsion, Governor of the Southern Region, commended Eritrean women not only for their struggle for gender equality but also for their remarkable contributions to national affairs.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Information, Eritrea.