EU-funded E-nable Project Concludes with Remarkable Achievements for Libya’s Economic Growth

The EU-funded E-nable ( project, implemented by Expertise France (, successfully concluded today with a closing ceremony held in Tripoli, marking three years of substantial progress in advancing Libya’s economic diversification, promoting a business-friendly environment and a supportive financial sector, empowering impactful economic reforms, and accelerating the digital transformation to pave the way for sustainable economic growth in Libya. 

H.E. Mr. Suhail Bushiha, Deputy Minister of Economy and Trade for Commercial Affairs said: Today marks the conclusion of the E-NABLE Economic Empowerment Project, which played an effective role in supporting Libya in improving the business environment and cooperating in particular with the Ministry of Economy and Trade on important issues including economic reforms and economic diversification. We look forward to more cooperation and achieving more positive results.” 

“Libya’s journey toward a resilient and diversified economy demands collaboration, innovation, and commitment,” said H.E. Mr. Nicola Orlando, EU Ambassador to Libya. “The outcomes of the E-nable Project demonstrate the remarkable dedication of our Libyan partners and have laid the groundwork for economic prosperity. The European Union remains deeply committed to supporting Libyan institutions as they realize their full potential, driving the country toward a more competitive, inclusive, and sustainable economy.” 

Key Achievements of the E-nable Project 

Enhancing Public Policies for Economic Diversification and Enabling Business Environment 

The E-nable ( project collaborated with key partners, including the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the National Economic and Social Development Board, the Bureau of Statistics and Census, the Ministry of Planning, and others, focusing on building institutional capacities to diversify the economy, support the private sector, and define strategic policies and frameworks for business reforms and data-driven decision-making. 

  • Strengthened data management capabilities: Empowered economic institutions with advanced data analysis and visualization training, improving decision-making and analysis. 

  • Economic Diversification Strategy: Developed a comprehensive strategy identifying key sectors for growth and established the Libyan National Economic Diversification Committee. 

  • Improved business environment and investment climate: Supported the issuance of a Prime Ministerial Decision establishing committees for economic reforms and developing a National Strategy for Special Economic Zones and Transit Trade. 

  • Public-private partnerships: Promoted collaboration between public and private sectors identifying key sectors and improvements to the legal framework. 

  • Green Investment Framework: Developed a draft for Libya’s National Green Investment Framework to attract sustainable investments and promote green technologies. 

Promoting Digital Transformation 

Recognizing the critical role of digital technologies in driving economic growth, the E-NABLE project also focused extensively on promoting digitization and enhancing public sector digital capacity. The project established a foundation for an innovative and more digitally connected governance system through collaborations with the General Information Authority, the Tax Authority, and the Ministry of Finance. 

  • Digital Innovation Lab: Established the “Digital Innovation Lab” committee within economic institutions to drive innovation and digitalization. 

  • Tax digitalization: Supported the Tax Authority in building its digital capacities and acquiring an online tax payment platform  

  • Innovative Solutions: Supported the organization of a national hackathon on tax data integration between related entities. 

Improving the Financial Sector 

In collaboration with the Central Bank of Libya, E-NABLE supported the enhancement of financial services and expanded access to finance for businesses across Libya. These efforts included building institutional capacity through workshops and knowledge-exchange study tours and equipping stakeholders with the expertise needed to adopt modern financial practices and regulations. 

  • Leasing regulations: Supported the development of leasing regulations and licensing requirements. 

  • Credit reporting: Enhanced the credit reporting system through an executive regulation for the Libyan Credit Information Centre. 

  • SME support: Strengthened the Central Bank of Libya’s capacity to assist SMEs by creating and operationalizing an SME-dedicated unit. 

  • FinTech innovation: Developed a regulatory framework for e-payments and digital finance. 

Building on Success: EU4SKILLS Initiative 

Building on the E-nable Project’s successes, the European Union and Expertise France are working together again on a new program, EU4Skills, which aims to boost employability and skills development. This initiative will align education and training with market demands while emphasizing digital innovation, sustainability, and improved SME access to finance. 

“The E-nable Project has been a key initiative in supporting Libya’s transition to a dynamic and competitive economy,” stated Mr. Maxime Bost, Programs Director at Expertise France Libya. “Through a strategic focus on strengthening economic institutions, boosting digital innovation, and improving financial inclusion for SMEs, the project has established a strong foundation for future collaboration. We look forward to continuing our work with Libyan partners through other initiatives and in particular  

the EU4Skills project, with a renewed focus on skills development and employability across emerging sectors.” 

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Expertise France.

Sarah Belamin
Communication Officer – Expertise France Economical program in Libya 

The European Union is made up of 27 Member States, which have decided to gradually pool their know-how, their resources, and their destiny. Together, over a period of over 50 years of enlargement, they have built an area of stability, democracy, and sustainable development, while maintaining their cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is determined to share its achievements and values with countries and peoples beyond its borders. 

Expertise France is the French public agency for international technical assistance. It aims at contributing to sustainable development based on solidarity and inclusiveness, mainly through enhancing the quality of public policies within the partner countries.  

Expertise France is implementing a range of EU-funded projects in the economic sector in Libya by utilizing highly qualified national and international experts. These projects include SLEIDSE, EU4PSL, PAMRI, and Raqam-e projects which have successfully contributed to raising awareness about entrepreneurship and coding, supported the private sector, engaged and empowered CSOs and women entrepreneurs, and facilitated access to finance.

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