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12th Gabon Shallow and Deep Water Licensing Round Announced


The Republic of Gabon has officially announced the opening of 12th Shallow and Deep Water Licensing Round of open blocks, at the 25th Africa Oil Week, Cape Town, supported by a technical workshop.

H.E. Pascal HOUANGNI AMBOUROUE, Minister of Oil and Hydrocarbons, will make the announcement during a special session within the main auditorium of the Africa Oil Week event at 08:50 on Wednesday 7th November 2018.

This announcement will be followed by a technical and fiscal workshop that will detail the new petroleum code, the license round and associated terms. This workshop will take place at 11:00 in the Southern Sun The Cullinan hotel on Wednesday 7th November 2018 and the agenda will include further details of available blocks, the fiscal terms, timings and conditions of the 12th Gabon Licensing Round.

The Minister of Oil and Hydrocarbons will also advise the dates and venues of the associated global licence round Road Shows, supported by Spectrum.

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