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Secretary-General Appoints Abdourahamane Diallo of Niger United Nations Resident Coordinator in Congo


United Nations (UN)

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Abdourahamane Diallo of Niger as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Congo, with the host Government’s approval, on 5 January.

Mr. Diallo brings more than 20 years of experience in the field of development to his post.  Prior to becoming Resident Coordinator in Congo, he served in a number of positions in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), most recently as Representative of UNESCO to Nigeria, leading UNESCO’s response in the fields of education, sciences, culture and communication.

He also served as Head of Office and Representative of UNESCO in Brazzaville (2009-2013), Kinshasa (2014-2018) and Accra (2018-2023).

Mr. Diallo began his career with UNESCO in their Paris headquarters as a member of Niger’s permanent delegation to UNESCO.  In 2002, he became a programme specialist in the Africa department, responsible for monitoring cooperation with the African Union and the various subregional and regional African organizations.  In 2006, he headed the department’s Section for Regional Organizations and Post-Conflict Situations, focusing on addressing the specific needs of African countries in crisis and post-conflict settings and the cooperation with the African Union and African Regional Economic Communities.

Mr. Diallo holds a degree in industrial computer engineering from the Hautes Etudes Industrielles in Lilles, France, and a Master of Business Administration in international business engineering from the Institut Superieur de Gestion in Paris.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations (UN).

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