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AfIDA to Host Investor Meetings with African Utilities in South Africa


The Africa Africa Infrastructure Development Association (AfIDA) will be hosting a Workshop and Closed Door Investor Meetings with Utilities and Government Ministerial Representatives on the Sidelines of the Power and Electricity World Africa (PEWA) Conference, 26 March 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Africa Infrastructure Development Association (AfIDA) is dedicated to driving project bankability in Africa by providing advocacy and benchmarking best practice, driving skills transfer and providing bespoke research. The three-part workshop will be a discussion led discourse and will share practical insights into Unsolicited Bidding versus International Competitive Bidding, Retrospectively Changing Tariffs and discuss New Initiatives to Fast Track the Project Development Process

The Africa Infrastructure Development Association Workshop Series, 26 March 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Theme: “Unsolicited Bidding versus International Competitive Bidding”

08h00-08h30 – Registration:

08h30 – 08h45 – AfIDA Welcome Note

08h45 – 09h00 – Opening Keynote Address

09h00 – 10h00 – Unsolicited Bidding versus International Competitive Bidding

10h00 – 11h00 – Retrospectively Changing Tariffs

11h00 to 12h00 – New Initiatives to Fast Track the Project Development Process

12h00 to 12h10 – Closing Remarks

12h10 to 13h10 – Networking Lunch

AfIDA Workshop registration fee: ZAR 4,999

Group Registrations will attract a further 20% discount

AfIDA has secured a 25% discount on the registration fees for the main conference, to register for this workshop and both conference days, use the reference: AfIDA0018PEWA

Contact Precious Nkandu to register for the AfIDA workshop: precious.nkandu@afida-africa.org

The Africa Infrastructure Development Association Country Engagement Series, 26 March 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Theme: “Driving Regional Integration Through Trans-Regional Projects- The Catalytic Role of AfIDA”

The AfIDA aims to promote and enable Project Development work in Africa, by creating a platform that will foster continuous dialogue amongst members, government and utilities and all key stakeholder and serve as a policy advocacy forum for the industry to ensure more projects on the continent achieve bankability.

This closed door meeting will offer a unique platform for a dialogue on development and investment opportunities in the various utilities. The dialogue, therefore, represents a unique opportunity to raise awareness of new opportunities for fast-tracking the development of regional projects in Africa’s power sector. The discourse will contribute to enhancing Africa’s attractiveness for Foreign Direct Investment, as well as to foster regional cross-border Investments.

13h30 – 13h40 – Opening Address

13h40- 16h40- Interactive discussions and case studies

16h40 to 17h00 – Closing Remarks

For participation in the AfIDA Country Engagements Series, please send your RSVP to Precious Nkandu: precious.nkandu@afida-africa.org or Info@afida-africa.org

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