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Benefits of CMMS in the Oil and Gas Sector


Companies within the oil and gas sector face challenges every day, from having to meet the high demands set by their customers to ensure that they remain compliant with the relevant governing bodies. The oil and gas industry is a complicated sector for companies to operate within. 

However, as complex as the industry may be, the demand for oil and gas continues to rise. Oil and gas are vital commodities used in many sectors, from food to heating and manufacturing. Therefore, ensuring that oil and gas companies continue to meet the demands of consumers is crucial. This is why a CMMS system is vital

What is CMMS? 

CMMS is a computerized maintenance management system. A CMMS can help oil and gas companies streamline their work order assignment, store accurate maintenance history records, schedule maintenance, and efficiently manage each aspect of equipment maintenance. While the functions of a CMMS may already seem tempting for a company we will now look at the benefits of implementing a CMMS. 

Organized work order management

Oil and gas refineries have a large footprint. This is a requirement for these facilities. However, this can potentially pose a few problems for a company, namely in assigning work orders. Through a CMMS, businesses can easily assign work orders to the relevant departments and employees through the system. Furthermore, a CMMS will also cut out any extra running around to find the specific employee for the job as this can all be conducted on a mobile device. 

If an employee spots a machine or asset that is starting to slow down or requires repair. With a CMMS employees can access the system through their mobile device and log a work order that will be picked up by the maintenance department. The work order will then be assigned. 

Organized machinery management

The equipment used in a refinery is highly specialized and extremely expensive, that is why carefully managing the equipment is vital. With the help of CMMS not only will a company be able to keep track of the equipment that is in operation but also manage the maintenance conducted. CMMS securely stores, through the cloud-based system. All the information that will be relevant to the machinery used. From the maintenance history to the vendor warranty. With the information stored on the system, the business can accurately decide further maintenance is necessary and important when it is time to retire the equipment. Machinery and assets are expensive, companies must ensure their return on investment. This will be ensured with CMMS. 

Reduced possibility of unforeseen downtime

In such a result-driven industry as the oil and gas sector, the possibility of a breakdown that results in downtime can be catastrophic. Unforeseen downtime can result in the company not meeting their targets, letting down their customers, or having to pay their staff for overtime which results in increased expenditure. 

CMMS schedules maintenance for the assets and equipment used on the refinery. The schedule will be based on the workload the machinery has been recorded completing via the CMMS. This means that the scheduling will be conducted promptly. More importantly, it means that the machinery used will be working at the optimal pace as it will be carefully maintained and cared for by the company. Proper care for the machines means the possibility of downtime will be drastically reduced. 

Organized inventory management

While it has been stated that a CMMS is effective at managing the assets and equipment used on an oil and gas refinery the system is equally as effective for managing inventory. 

For oil and gas companies efficiency is a priority, especially in such a high-stress environment. Employees do not have time to run around to double-check whether the company has enough inventory to operate or maintain equipment. With CMMS employees can access the platform and get the information required. Having access to inventory information will lead to fewer double purchases as well for the company which reduces costs long term, making it a highly beneficial feature. 

Ensure equipment safety and compliance

Oil and gas refineries can be home to many safety hazards and concerns and it is the companies responsibility to ensure that these hazards do not affect the company. CMMS assists in ensuring that the equipment used by employees is safe to operate. After all, careless maintenance can lead to machinery being unsafe for operations, and this can lead to accidents happening. By scheduling, monitoring, and recording maintenance of equipment, companies can ensure that the machinery used by employees will not be dangerous. It is also important to note that in the event that the company undergoes an occupational safety and health inspection having detailed maintenance records can be extremely favourable for the company. 

CloudApper CMMS is operable on mobile devices

On an oil and gas refinery it is rare for an employee to be at the desk for the whole day that is why CloudApper CMMS can operate on an employees mobile phone. From sending and receiving work orders to accessing maintenance data and developing checklists. All of the CMMS functions an employee is used to on their desktop CMMS system can now be accessed through their mobile device. Making employees more effective wherever they may be. 

The benefits listed above show why it is crucial for companies within the oil and gas sector to invest in a CMMS system. As it is a responsible decision to make both for the company and the employees. 

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