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Digital Economy dialogue begins at G20 Summit in Argentina


International experts try one of the issues linked to the future of work, priority of 2018. participated G20 ministers and Lino Barañao Andrés Ibarra.

Referents of G20 countries and international organizations met today at the first day of the Digital Economy Task Force, one of the areas of work of the G20.
The event was inaugurated by the Minister of Modernization of the Nation, Andrés Ibarra. “We are facing a real digital revolution and responses from policy must ensure that adaptation to many technological changes is inclusive and generates opportunities for more and better work, more and better development , ” said Ibarra.
In the afternoon, for closing, the Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Lino Barañao added. “We must tear down old stereotypes and encourage the participation of women in science and technology. The knowledge economy is the best tool to achieve social equity , ” said Barañao.
The meeting will continue tomorrow. With the presence of Minister of Production, Francisco Cabrera, will treat topics such as digital infrastructure for development and inclusion and digital government.
Digital economy is one of the 11 thematic areas of the G20 and is directly aligned with one of the three priorities of the presidency of the G20 Argentina: the future of work.
On the G20
The G20 was established in 1999 as a technical meeting of finance ministers and Central Bank presidents. During the economic crisis of 2008, it became what it is today: a key discussion and decision-making space in which top world leaders and major economies participate. Together, members represent 85% of the total crude product, two thirds of the world population and 75% of international trade.
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