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Future Maritime Leaders Essay Competition – APPLY NOW


The Future Maritime Leaders essay competition calls on aspiring decision-makers and opinion-shapers to add their perspective to the discussion on the sustainable future of the maritime sector.

Essay question: Over the next decade, how can the maritime sector continue to contribute to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Future Maritime Leaders essay competition represents a valuable opportunity for young people aspiring to become high-level leaders of the future to meet and engage with senior maritime stakeholders. The winners of the competition will win an invitation to the Global Maritime Forum’s Virtual High-Level Meeting this October, and its Annual Summit 2021 in London. There, they will join 250 leaders from inside and outside the maritime sector, and represent the voice of young generations — all expenses covered.

The UN has dubbed the next 10 years its ‘Decade of Action’ for delivering the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of shared ambitions, providing the road map towards a better global future. Fulfilling these ambitions will take a concerted and collaborative effort between a wide range of stakeholders in a variety of different fields.

Over the next decade, the global maritime industry finds itself in a unique position to contribute to realizing these goals. International shipping is responsible for the transport of 80% of global trade as well as having deep connections to a wide range of stakeholders from across the value chain. This gives it a vital role in tackling issues like trade and growth, climate change, global infrastructure, and food, and energy security.

The Selection Committee, which will select the winners of the essay competition, is comprised of the following members:

  • Christine Loh, Chief Development Strategist, Institute for the Environment, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (Head of Committee)
  • Amy Jadesimi, Managing Director, LADOL, Nigeria
  • Graham Westgarth, Chief Executive Officer, V.Group, UK
  • Oivind Lorentzen III, Director, SEACOR Holdings, USA
  • Stephen Cotton, General Secretary, International Transport Workers’ Federation, UK

For more information, please visit the link below:


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