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New OTC Event, d5, Inspired Energy Professionals to Connect the Dots


Houston, Texas, USA – The Offshore Technology Conference’s (OTC) new event, d5: The Next Big Thing, debuted Friday after OTC 2015 at the University of Houston.
As promised, d5 was unlike any other energy industry event before it. Born out of the realization that the offshore energy industry is in the midst of a global technology boom, d5 brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, economists, and other thought leaders to jumpstart the creative process, highlight emerging developments and inspire leadership.
“We are entering a period where the technological possibilities are beginning to exceed our imagination,” said Steve Balint, chair of the OTC d5 Advisory Board. “This means there are tremendous opportunities just waiting to be plucked if we can get beyond the ‘this is how we have always done it’ mindset.”
The day-long event attracted more than 300 global energy professionals and featured a collection of 10 non-energy industry luminaries, each of whom discussed game-changing technologies to help foster new ideas about “the next big thing” for offshore.  Serving as master of ceremonies was Helge Hove Haldorsen, d5 Advisory Board member. “There are challenges, and there are solutions,” he said. “I do not worry about the future of energy when I see these bright minds here.”
Speaker Recaps

  • When it comes to leadership, former U.S. Navy commander Mike Abrashoff said he has been successful by focusing on excellence without arrogance. “You cannot order excellence,” he offered. “You must create a culture of engagement and ownership.”
  • Former NASA astronaut and ex-officio member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board Michael Bloomfield talked about safety and how space exploration and oil and gas exploration face similar challenges.
  • Futurist Lisa Bodell stated that “simplicity is the new norm,” as a company culture of clear vision will be the efficient ones moving forward.
  • Genomic researcher Juan Enriquez shared how programmable cells will transform systems for fuel, biomedics and even human evolution.
  • Consultant Partha Ghosh encouraged attendees to connect the dots of all the speakers to take back to their own companies and “make crazy ideas prosper.” He added that the industry should change return on investment (ROI) to return on inspiration.
  • Frans Johansson, author and entrepreneur, described how disparate disciplines have connections if they are viewed through the perspective of intersections. He noted, “The unexpected is what makes us stand apart.”
  • Political scientist Dr. Bjorn Lomborg said the most vital tenant that will help change the world is free trade.
  • Jane McGonigal, an expert on the engagement economy, encouraged attendees to consider games for collective problem solving. In addition, she suggested using gamification to predict human behavior in a possible crisis.
  • Economist Michael Porter described his research demonstrating how the energy industry-more than any other-is making the US more globally competitive.
  • Avi Reichental, president of 3D Systems, said redefining printing is reinventing the American dream. He asserted, “The technology is here now, and it is exciting to disrupt your own business model since 3D lets you make great things happen.”

Throughout the day, there were breakout sessions for questions and answers with the presenters. The event concluded with a networking reception.
During the event, OTC announced that d5 will return in 2016 at Rice University on Friday, 6 May.
“Following d5’s initial success we are excited to begin planning next year’s endeavor,” said Art Schroeder, OTC d5 Program Committee Chair.
For more information about d5, visit http://2015.otcnet.org/d5/Content/Recap-and-Next-Year

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