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Nigeria Oil and Gas Conference Moved to February 2017


CWCNOGNOG Moving to Feb 2017

After carefully considering the feedback from the industry and Government Parastatals and taking into account the economic situation in the oil and gas industry, it has been decided that Nigeria Oil and Gas Conference & Exhibition 2016 (NOG) will be moved. Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition will now run on  27 Feb – 02 March 2017.
This difficult decision was made in the best interests of our clients, participants, the Federal Government of Nigeria and NOG event itself. We at CWC believe this date change back to NOG’s traditional February spot will provide a better event.
NOG is the largest and most senior oil and gas event in Africa. We look forward to working towards the February date with all our partners and supporters. If you have any questions please contact us directly. Booking is open for people wanting to attend the February 2017 date.

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With Thanks to Our Sponsors

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