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Over 1 Million Awango by Total Solar Lamps Sold in Africa

Paris – Total launched the Awango by Total program in 2012 to market solar lamps providing affordable access to energy for communities in emerging economies. Nearly two billion people do not have access to electricity. To help remedy that, the Group set an objective of improving the daily lives of five million people by selling one million Awango by Total solar lamps by 2015. This goal has been met and exceeded: by May of this year, one million solar lamps had been sold in Africa alone. Awango by Total is based on social business model and will be distributed in more than 30 countries by end-2015.
Designed for households that lack access to electricity, these solar lamps supply reliable, clean, affordable energy. They can also be used to charge small mobile devices such as phones. The lamps replace less effective and more expensive candles, disposable batteries and kerosene.
Total intends to provide clean, safe and affordable energy to as many people as possible,” states Patrick Pouyanné, Total’s Chief Executive Officer. “To do that we strive to find innovative technological solutions, using a business model viable on a large scale. Our success here illustrates our commitment to better energy and is a practical way of addressing climate change. We aim to keep growing the program and are targeting sales of five million lamps in Africa in 2020, reaching 25 million people on the continent, which is central to Total’s overall strategy.”
Building on its solar expertise and extensive presence via its retail network in growth countries, especially in Africa, Total has adapted to this distinctive market:
Some 85% of Awango by Total product users say their lamp has significantly improved their daily lives and that they would like to see new functions and new uses. Total is therefore working on combining solar panels, energy storage and the ability to use household appliances such as fans.
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