CSIRO: Big Bad Banksias Standing up to Climate Change May 11, 2016 Banksia plants are Australian emblems, famous for their colourful flowers and dark, knobbly seed pods — the inspiration of May…
Middle East Electricity Conference 2017, Dubai – UAE May 11, 2016 Hosted by Dear Micheal, Region wide industrialization initiatives, high population growth and large…
BHP Billiton Employee, Deirdra Tindale Nominated as an Exceptional Woman in Mining May 11, 2016 Congratulations to BHP Billiton employee Deirdra Tindale on her nomination as an Exceptional Woman in Mining by the New South…
DONG Energy Divests its Danish Gas Distribution Grid to Energinet.dk May 11, 2016 DONG Energy and the state owned entity, Energinet.dk, have signed an agreement under which Energinet.dk will acquire DONG Energy’s…
High Level Delegates Gather in Zambia to Launch the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Country May 11, 2016 Government officials, representatives of international organizations, private sector and civil society, gathered from May 4-6,…
ENVision System Monitoring Emissions at First Solution Polyethylene Plant in Middle East May 9, 2016 Sadara Chemical Company’s Polyethylene Train 1 made history in December 2015 when it began operations in Jubail Industrial City…
Microsoft Joins Renewable Energy Partnership to Provide Additional Solar Energy in Virginia May 6, 2016 An innovative public-private deal will bring 20 megawatts of new solar energy onto the grid in Virginia as part of Microsoft’s…
Smarter Buildings Provide Energy-Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Workplaces May 6, 2016 In cities all over the world, skylines teem with towers of concrete and steel, filled with an array of people and businesses. For…
New Machine Learning Template to help utilities and Energy Companies May 6, 2016 The Cortana Intelligence Suite has added a new on-premises template for forecasting energy demands to help utilities and energy…
Gazprom wins at Green Development – Evolution Awards 2016 May 6, 2016 Gazprom was announced the winner of the All-Russian Green Development – Evolution Awards 2016 in the Best Green Tech Solution…