Total E&P receives Exploration Drilling Licence in the Central North Sea Feb 26, 2015 TEPN is the operator for production licence 627 in block 25/6 in the central North Sea. TEPN is to drill wells 25/6-5 S and 25/6-5…
Jazan City Becomes a Top Contributor to Saudi Economy Feb 25, 2015 Jazan Economic City will become a key contributor to Saudi Arabia’s economy as current infrastructure and projects development…
Saudi Aramco Extends Bidding For Unconventional Gas Work Feb 25, 2015 State energy firm Saudi Aramco has extended the deadline for companies to bid for work on its unconventional gas facilities in the…
FES Launches New Specialist Subsea Business Feb 25, 2015 The team of experts behind UK oil and gas engineering firm, FES International, has launched a new specialist business, FES Subsea,…
Aframax Tanker Converted to SSHL Vessel Feb 25, 2015 FKAB China has officially announced that the MV Zhen Hua 7, the semi-submersible heavy lift vessel (SSHLV) converted from an…
Petrofac to Approve Ithaca’s FPF-1 Programme Feb 25, 2015 Ithaca Energy Inc. provides an update regarding the schedule for completion of the “FPF-1” floating production facility…
Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister says Oil Demand is Growing Despite the Unstable Oil Price Feb 25, 2015 According to CNBC News, Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said on Wednesday that oil demand is growing and markets are…
Ghana Gas to Stop Gas Supply due to Compressor Damage Feb 25, 2015 According to news from Association of Oil Marketing Companies of Ghana, (AOMC), the CEO of Ghana Gas Company, George Sipa Yankey…
Petrofac and McDermott form Strategic Alliance for SURF Sector Feb 25, 2015 Petrofac, the international oil and gas facilities service provider, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with…
Coastal Cities May Face a High Risk of Flooding as Sea Levels Rise Feb 25, 2015 According to World Bank Report, climate change, rapid urbanization, and subsiding land are putting the world's coastal…