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Spirit Energy to drill new well at Chiswick field, Southern North Sea


Spirit Energy is extending the life of one of its key North Sea fields by tapping into new reserves this year.

Spirit, one of the top independent oil and gas operators in Europe, is to drill a new well at the Chiswick field in the Southern North Sea to bring around a further 50 billion cubic feet of gas on stream.

The new well, which represents a £75million investment from Spirit, will be drilled by Noble’s Hans Deul jack-up rig, one of five rigs Spirit Energy has on hire in 2018 – accounting for 10% of the active rig market in Europe.

The Chiswick field is part of Spirit Energy’s Greater Markham Area, which also includes the Markham, Grove and Kew fields. Combined, the Greater Markham Area fields produced 23 billion cubic feet of gas net to Spirit in 2017.

Fraser Weir, North Sea Director at Spirit Energy, said: “Having already produced billions of cubic feet of gas since coming on stream 11 years ago, we are delighted that the hard work and collaboration of our teams in both the UK and the Netherlands has led to us continuing our investment in the Chiswick field and extending the life of a key part of our portfolio.

“This is just one part of a busy rig programme for Spirit Energy in Europe this year, as we explore for fresh discoveries, maximise the potential of existing fields and plug wells which have ceased production.”

The infill well at Chiswick, which first came on stream in 2007, will be the fifth well drilled in the field, and the first since 2010. The Hans Deul will start preparatory work at Chiswick in April.

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