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Statoil to Drill two Production Wells at Gullfaks Sør


Statoil has received consent to use Deepsea Atlantic to drill two production wells at Gullfaks Sør, located in the Tampen area in the northern part of the North Sea, south of the Gullfaks field. Gullfaks Sør has been developed using subsea well templates tied back to Gullfaks A and C by underwater pipelines.

Statoil is to drill two production wells from a new well template on the Rimfaksdalen gas discovery. In addition, a well is to be drilled next to the well template to investigate if there is shallow gas nearby. This well will be plugged when the result is in. Water depth at the site is 137 metres.

The well are to be drilled by Deepsea Atlantic, which is a semi-submersible drilling facility of the MODU GVA 7500 type. The facility is operated by Odfjell Drilling AS. Deepsea Atlantic was completed in 2009, is registered in Norway and is classified by DNV GL.

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