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Submit Your Abstract for Offshore West Africa 2016


Taking place on 26-28 January 2016,the 20th annual Offshore West Africa Conference & Exhibition will return to Lagos, Nigeria at The Eko Hotel & Suites.

You are invited to share your knowledge and experience at this important industry gathering by submitting an abstract of a paper you wish to deliver to this audience. To have your presentation considered for the technical session program, please submit your 150 – 400 word abstract on one or more of the technical focus areas listed below by 19 May 2015.

We invite you to submit an abstract for Offshore West Africa 2016 and share your knowledge, experience and solutions with industry colleagues from around the world, under the conference theme of Positioning for a Sustainable Future.


Offshore West Africa Conference

Offshore West Africa have released the Technical Focus Areas that any abstract should be based upon. These technical focus areas are also listed HERE for further information. Please see below for the full list of conference topics:
• Asset Integrity
• Deepwater Projects
• Deepwater Trends & Challenges
• Emerging Markets
• Enhanced Oil Recovery
• Field Architecture & Development Concepts
• Field Development
• Floating Production Systems
• Flowlines & Pipelines
• Local Content

• Major Project Management
• Marginal Field Development
• Maximizing Resource Recovery
• Production Optimization
• Regional Trends & Challenges
• Riser Technology
• Subsea Processing & Boosting
• Subsea Technology / Tiebacks
• Subsea Well Intervention
• Sustainable Development

For your chance to share your knowledge and experience with these key individuals and organisations submit your abstract to the Advisory Board today.

Submit Now

To submit an abstract for consideration by the Offshore West Africa Advisory Board, please follow the procedures below:
1. Go to www.offshorewestafrica.com 4. Complete the required fields
2. Click on the Conference tab. 5. Press submit or send
3. Click “Submit Abstract” 6. Relax, its now all done
Please submit your abstract ONLY ONCE and wait for the automatic e-mail that confirms your submission was successful. Abstracts must have a title and list all authors.
For further information regarding Offshore West Africa 2016, please contact:
Conference Manager
Niki Antoniou
Phone: +44 (0) 1992 656 630
Fax: +44 (0) 1992 656 700
Email: owaconference@pennwell.com
Marketing Manager
Lee Catania
Phone: +44 (0) 1992 656 647
Fax: +44 (0) 1992 656 700
Email: leec@pennwell.com

Offshore West Africa 2016

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