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Distinguished Achievement Award Recipients Named for the OTC Golden Anniversary Gala Dinner 2019


Honorees to be Recognized 5 May at the Downtown Houston Marriott Marquis

Houston, Texas, USA – The 2019 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) will recognize Carlos Mastrangelo with the Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals and the ExxonMobil-operated Hebron Offshore Project with the OTC Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies, Organizations, and Institutions.

Recipients will be awarded at the 2019 OTC Golden Anniversary Gala Dinner being held Sunday, 5 May at the Downtown Houston Marriott Marquis.

Founded in 1969, OTC will be celebrating its Golden Anniversary in 2019 with an impressive speaker lineup of CEO- and other senior-level speakers at the opening general session. Throughout the event, global industry leaders will discuss new licensing and business opportunities and recently introduced technologies along with an expanded technical program to include marine renewables. OTC’s large international participation provides excellent opportunities for global sharing of technology, expertise, products, and best practices that address current and future conditions of offshore developments.

OTC Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals

Carlos Mastrangelo will be awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals for his pioneering efforts to establish the worldwide usage of floating production, storage, and offloading units (FPSOs). He has been engaged in FPSO activities since the 1980s. In the 1990s Mastrangelo worked with the Brazilian Navy, Port Authorities, and Class Societies towards the standardization and development of regulations for fully classed FPSOs. He is also credited for establishing the basis for Petrobras’ leased unit contract that is still in effect today.

In the early 2000s, the US industry was relatively untouched by the FPSO market. Mastrangelo supported the US government agencies in their environmental impact study and risk analysis to evaluate the use of FPSOs in the US GoM. In 2006, Mastrangelo started leading Petrobras’ effort to define the strategy for the first FPSO and the first purpose-built Jones Act shuttle-tanker in the US. His pioneering work and contribution to the industry paved the road for the introduction of the FPSOs in the USA and for the worldwide use of the FPSOs as can be seen today.

Mastrangelo currently serves on the OTC Houston and OTC Brasil program committees and has authored and presented numerous papers on this topic. In 2005, the Brazilian Navy recognized his contribution to the offshore industry and the Society of Petroleum Engineers named him as the Engineer of the Year, in Brazil. In 2012, SPE named Carlos Mastrangelo as the recipient of the international award for this pioneering contribution that introduced FPSOs to the USA.

OTC Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies, Organizations and Institutions

The ExxonMobil-operated Hebron Offshore Project will be presented with the OTC Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies, Organizations, and Institutions in recognition of its technological advancements while achieving world-class safety performance.

The technological advancements implemented by the Hebron Offshore Project are expected to benefit future offshore development in the area of topsides footprint and weight, as well as digital technology developments. Advanced technological developments utilized include: advanced heavy oil/separation process technology used to significantly reduce the separation process footprint; alleviation of heat loads on nearby equipment by utilizing an innovative design on the power plant gas turbine exhaust stacks; reduction in the primary and secondary steel required as wave model testing was used to ensure safe design loads for topsides; integration of process control, process shutdown, fire and gas, and emergency shutdown procedures enabling real-time collaboration and support from onshore. It is one of the largest topsides ever built with an operating weight of 65,000MT and was on schedule for First Oil in 2017 per the original plan.

Additionally, the safety performance of Hebron was world class. The project was executed on a global basis and included engineering, procurement with major suppliers from more than 20 countries, and large labor workforces in Newfoundland and Labrador and Korea.  During execution the largest topsides float-over of over 50,000MT was safely accomplished. Upon completion, the Hebron Project team worked in excess of 42 million hours in Newfoundland and Labrador without a lost-time injury.

The Hebron co-venturers are ExxonMobil Canada Properties (35.5 percent), Chevron Canada Limited (29.6 percent), Suncor Energy Inc. (21 percent), Equinor Canada Ltd. (9 percent) and Nalcor Energy-Oil and Gas Inc. (4.9 percent).

Hoover Medal Recipient is David Baldwin

In coordination with ASME and other engineering societies, the Hoover Medal will be given to David Baldwin, co-President of SCF Partners, during the OTC Gala Dinner. The Hoover Medal recognizes outstanding extra-career services by engineers to humanity. A separate announcement about this award will be issued soon.

OTC Golden Anniversary Distinguished Achievement Awards Gala Dinner

The OTC Golden Anniversary Gala Dinner recognizes the OTC Distinguished Achievement Award recipients, raises funds for a worthy cause, and provides an excellent opportunity for industry leaders to network with colleagues from around the world.

Sponsorship opportunities for the OTC Golden Anniversary Gala Dinner are still available. To learn more, contact the OTC Sales Team at sales@otcnet.org or visit the website. Individual tickets can be purchased online for USD 175.

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