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The G20 reunites leaders of the economy in Buenos Aires


The third meeting of finance ministers and central bank presidents from 2018 will take place next weekend at the Convention and Exhibition Center (CEC). The future of work and infrastructure in agenda.

In March, the G20 countries pledged to strengthen the contribution of trade to the economies.

With a proactive agenda, the leaders of the world economy will meet again in Buenos Aires on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 July for the third meeting of finance ministers and presidents of central banks of the G20.

The meeting, to be held at the Convention and Exhibition Center (CEC) of the city, will feature more than 55 heads of delegation, including ministers and holders of monetary authorities of member countries and representatives of international organizations. The list includes the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde; President of the World Bank Group, Jim Yong Kim, and Jose Angel Gurria, secretary general of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Preceded by the fourth meeting of deputies of Finance and Central Banks of the G20 – Thursday and Friday, also in the CEC-, the program includes sessions on the future of work and infrastructure development, two of the priorities identified by the presidency Argentina G20 2018 . Risks and opportunities of the global economy, the global tax system and financial inclusion will also be on the table.

Regarding the future of work, delegates will finalize details of a menu of public policies designed to reap the benefits and addressing the challenges of technological transition. With a cross – gender perspective, the paper will focus on productivity, workers, taxes and information.

Sunday at 4 pm, after the closed – door meeting ended, Argentina ‘s presidency will offer a press conference to report on the major developments. Senior officials, in turn, disseminated a statement with the most relevant findings support the recommendations then come to the Leaders ‘ Summit.

Before the meeting of leaders, however, finance ministers and presidents of central banks held two meetings on 11 and 12 October in Bali, Indonesia, and 29 November, again in Buenos Aires, as a prelude to the summit.

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